Rivista giuridica online ExParteCreditoris.it: provvedimenti e sentenze segnalate da Giudici, Avvocati e Banche. Periodico d'informazione giuridica per studi legali Direttore responsabile Avv. Antonio De Simone - ISSN 2385-1376

Our Mission

EX PARTE CREDITORIS starts with the purpose of creating a network in which professionals can exchange their own experiences.
Our mission is to provide a database wherein everybody can voluntarily share his knowledge as result of his professional experience.
Our database is intended to be an open source for everyone who deals with legal affairs (judges, lawyers, scholars) and whoever has an interest in this field of law.Accordingly, users will create a community in which every member, by contributing his own legal issues and projects, can contribute to develop a free and common source of nowledge.Therefore, the journal wants to be both a means allow rapid and consistent professional updates, to shed light in the jurisprudence regarding this field of law and, above all, to provide food for thought.Inter alia, the website aims to spot those professionals that distinguish themselves for the quality of their contributions.The purpose of the website is to allow the free publication of legal news in a simple and rapid way.The growth and the development of EX PARTE CREDITORIS depends on the enthusiasm of its contributors so as to become an important landmark for everyone who takes great care of the law system.No contract will be concluded between the users and the management of the website.EX PARTE CREDITORIS only aims at spreading legal information and valuing the profiles of contributors.

The journal is managed by lawyers who work at DE SIMONE LAW FIRM.